Ny sökning

Urban Forestry - Förvaltning av stadens skog och träd

Städer utan skog och träd är inte hållbara! Därför behövs Urban forestry, det vill säga att på vetenskaplig, konstnärlig och teknisk grund förvalta tätortsnära skog och träd för att öka deras ekologiska, estetiska och samhälleliga värden. Genom att kombinera kunskapsfälten landskapsarkitektur, skogsvetenskap och ekologi i ett samarbete mellan institutionerna för Landskapsarkitektur, planering och förvaltning samt Sydsvensk skogsvetenskap erbjuder denna kurs ett unikt tillfälle att utveckla sin förmåga kring att hållbart förvalta städers skog och träd utifrån såväl sociala, kulturella som miljömässiga och ekonomiska aspekter. Fokus för kursen är den tätortsnära skog men ett flertal kopplingar till andra delar av stadens trädresurs såsom park- och gatuträd görs. Kursen tränar studenten i att kombinera sociala, kulturella och biologiska värden genom en ändmålenlig design, planering och skötsel av den urbana skogen. Föreläsningar kombineras med exkursioner, övningar och seminarier där studenternas och lärarnas olika bakgrunder används som en viktig pedagogisk resurs. Ett projekt löper genom hela kursen och tränar studenterna i att utveckla och kommunicera utvecklings- och skötselplaner för tätortsnära skog och träd.


Kursvärderingen är öppen

Svara på kursvärderingen

Värderingen går att besvara till och med 2025-02-02

Andra kursvärderingar för LK0378

Läsåret 2023/2024

Urban Forestry - Förvaltning av stadens skog och träd (LK0378-20045)

2023-10-31 - 2024-01-14

Läsåret 2022/2023

Urban Forestry - Förvaltning av stadens skog och träd (LK0378-20010)

2022-11-01 - 2023-01-15

Läsåret 2021/2022

Urban Forestry - Förvaltning av stadens skog och träd (LK0378-20016)

2021-11-02 - 2022-01-16

Läsåret 2020/2021

Urban Forestry - Förvaltning av stadens skog och träd (LK0378-20063)

2020-11-02 - 2021-01-17

Kursplan och övrig information


Literature list 2022 - LK0378 Urban Forestry

If not else stated below the literature or needed extracts from it will be available on Canvas

Reference textbooks in relation to the course

  1. Konijnendijk, C.C. 2008. The Forest and the City – the cultural landscape of urban woodland. Springer
  2. O'Hara, K., 2014. Multiaged Silviculture: Managing for Complex Forest Stand Structures. Oxford University Press. Available digitally through the University library: http://www.oxfordscholarship.com/view/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198703068.001.0001/acprof-9780198703068
  3. San-Miguel-Ayanz, J., de Rigo, D., Caudullo, G., Houston Durrant, T., Mauri, A. (Eds.), 2016. European Atlas of Forest Tree Species. Publication Office of the European Union, Luxembourg. **Available digitally through: **https://forest.jrc.ec.europa.eu/en/european-atlas/atlas-download-page/

**Articles and Book chapters in relation to the teaching activities in the course **

  1. Konijnendijk, C.C., Ricard, R.M., Kenney, A., Randrup, T.B., 2006. Defining urban forestry - A comparative perspective of North America and Europe. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening 4, 93-103.
  2. Rydberg, D., Falck, J., 2000. Urban forestry in Sweden from a silvicultural perspective: a review. Landscape and Urban Planning 47, 1-18.
  3. Ode, Å., Fry, G.L.A., 2002. Visual aspects in urban woodland management. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 1, 15-24.
  4. Sjöman, H., Morgenroth, J., Sjöman, J.D., Sæbø, A., Kowarik, I., 2016. Diversification of the urban forest—Can we afford to exclude exotic tree species? Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 18, 237-241.
  5. Leonardsson, J., Götmark, F., 2015. Differential survival and growth of stumps in 14 woody species after conservation thinning in mixed oak-rich temperate forests. European Journal of Forest Research 134, 199-209.
  6. Jansson, M., Fors, H., Lindgren, T., Wiström, B., 2013. Perceived personal safety in relation to urban woodland vegetation - A review. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening 12, 127–133.
  7. Florgård, C., Forsberg, O., 2006. Residents´ use of remnat natural vegetation in the residential area of Järvafältet, Stockholm. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 5, 83-92.
  8. Wiegersma, L., Olsen, I, A., 2004. NeighbourWoods Comparative analysis of three urban woodlands in Denmark and the Netherlands. Rapport, KVL, Köpenhamn, pp 4-11 & pp 36-59
  9. Sæbø, A., Benedikz, T., Randrup, T.B., 2003. Selection of trees for urban forestry in the Nordic countries. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 2, 101-114.
  10. Simpson, J. 2015. Restoring the Acadian Forest. Nimbus Publishing, Halifax. pp 40-63.
  11. Köhl, M., 2004. INVENTORY | Forest Inventory and Monitoring A2 - Burley, Jeffery, Encyclopedia of Forest Sciences. Elsevier, Oxford, pp. 403-409.
  12. Savill, P.S., 2004. SILVICULTURE | Silvicultural Systems A2 - Burley, Jeffery, Encyclopedia of Forest Sciences. Elsevier, Oxford, pp. 1003-1011.
  13. Kerr, G., 2004. PLANTATION SILVICULTURE | Tending A2 - Burley, Jeffery, Encyclopedia of Forest Sciences. Elsevier, Oxford, pp. 837-845.
  14. Savill, P.S., Evans, J., 2004. PLANTATION SILVICULTURE | Thinning A2 - Burley, Jeffery, Encyclopedia of Forest Sciences. Elsevier, Oxford, pp. 845-850.
  15. Spinelli, R., 2004. HARVESTING | Harvesting of Thinnings A2 - Burley, Jeffery, Encyclopedia of Forest Sciences. Elsevier, Oxford, pp. 252-259.
  16. Sheppard,** **S.R.J., Konijnendijk van den Bosch, C.C., Croy, O., Macias, A., Barron, S., 2017. Urban forest governance and community engagement, in: Ferrini, F., Konijnendijk van den Bosch, C.C., Fini, A. (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Urban Forestry. Taylor & Francis Group, Milton,, pp. 205-221.
  17. Rydberg, D., Falck, J., 1998. Designing the urban forest of tomorrow: pre-commercial thinning adapted for use in urban areas in Sweden. Arboricultural Journal 22, 147-171. 
  18. Bauhus, J., Forrester, D.I., Pretzsch, H., 2017. Mixed-Species Forests: The Development of a Forest Management Paradigm, in: Pretzsch, H., Forrester, D.I., Bauhus, J. (Eds.), Mixed-Species Forests: Ecology and Management. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 1-25.
  19. Löf M, Ersson BT, Hjälten J et al. 2015. Site Preparation Techniques for Forest Restoration. Chapter 5, p 85-102. Stanturf JA (Ed.): Restoration of Boreal and Temperate Forests, 2d edition. CRC Press.
  20. O'Hara, K.L., 2007. Pruning wounds and occlusion: A long-standing conundrum in forestry. Journal of Forestry 105(3), 131-138.
  21. Löf, M., Brunet, J., Filyushkina, A., Lindbladh, M., Skovsgaard, J.P., Felton, A., 2016. Management of oak forests: striking a balance between timber production, biodiversity and cultural services. International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management 12, 59-73.
  22. Gustavsson, R., Hermy, M., Konijnendijk, C.C., Steidle-Schwahn, A., 2005. Management of urban woodland and parks - Searching for creative and sustainable concepts., in: Konijnendijk, C.C., Nilsson, K., Randrup, T.B., Schipperijn, J. (Eds.), Urban forest and trees. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 370-396.
  23. Auch, E., Pohris, H., Biernath, M., 2016. Urban woods for relaxation and inspiration, in: Roloff, A. (Ed.), Urban Tree Management : For the Sustainable Development of Green Cities. John Wiley & Sons, New York,, pp. 247-259.
  24. Schütz, J.-P., Pukkala, T., Donoso, P.J., von Gadow, K., 2012. Historical Emergence and Current Application of CCF, in: Pukkala, T., von Gadow, K. (Eds.), Continuous Cover Forestry. Springer Netherlands, Dordrecht, pp. 1-28.
  25. Harmer, R., 2004. SILVICULTURE | Coppice Silviculture Practiced in Temperate Regions A2 - Burley, Jeffery, Encyclopedia of Forest Sciences. Elsevier, Oxford, pp. 1045-1052.
  26. Nielsen, A.B., Moller, F., 2008. Is coppice a potential for urban forestry? The social perspective. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 7, 129-138.
  27. Wiström, B., 2015. Forest edge development - management and design of forest edges in infrastructure and urban environments, Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Alnarp, pp 21-30
  28. Fors, H., Jansson, M., Nielsen, A.B., 2018. The Impact of Resident Participation on Urban Woodland Quality - A Case Study of Sletten, Denmark. Forests 9, 670.
  29. Heyman, E., 2010. Clearance of understory in urban woodlands: Assessing impact on bird abundance and diversity. Forest Ecology and Management 260, 125-131.
  30. Plieninger, T., Hartel, T., Martín-López, B., Beaufoy, G., Bergmeier, E., Kirby, K., Montero, M.J., Moreno, G., Oteros-Rozas, E., Van Uytvanck, J., 2015. Wood-pastures of Europe: Geographic coverage, social–ecological values, conservation management, and policy implications. Biological Conservation 190, 70-79.
  31. Rackham, O., 2013. Woodland and wood-pasture, in: Rotherham, I.D. (Ed.), Trees, Forested Landscapes and Grazing Animals : A European Perspective on Woodlands and Grazed Treescapes. Taylor & Francis Group, London, pp. 11-22.
  32. Östberg, J., Delshammar, T., Wiström, B., Nielsen, A.B., 2012. Grading of Parameters for Urban Tree Inventories by City Officials, Arborists, and Academics Using the Delphi Method. Environmental Management, 1-15.
  33. Östberg, J., Wiström, B., Randrup, T.B., 2018. The state and use of municipal tree inventories in Swedish municipalities – results from a national survey. Urban Ecosystems 21, 467-477.
  34. Ordóñez, C., Duinker, P.N., 2013. An analysis of urban forest management plans in Canada: Implications for urban forest management. Landscape and Urban Planning 116, 36-47.
  35. Goddard, M.A., Dougill, A.J., Benton, T.G., 2010. Scaling up from gardens: biodiversity conservation in urban environments. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 25, 90-98.
  36. Svännel, J, Ode Sang, Å, Sang, N, Deak Sjöman, J. Jansson, M 2020. Digital systems and tools to support urban open space governance In Urban Open Space Governance and Management. London: Routledge, pp 168-189
  37. Kehr, R., 2016. Aspects of urban tree pathology, in: Roloff, A. (Ed.), Urban Tree Management : For the Sustainable Development of Green Cities. John Wiley & Sons, New York, pp. 58-81.
  38. Smiley, E.T., Fraedrich, B.R., Fengler, P.H., 2007. Hazard Tree Inspection, Evaluation, and Management, in: Kuser, J.E. (Ed.), Handbook of Urban and Community Forestry in the Northeast. Springer US, Boston, MA, pp. 277-294.
  39. Nowak, D.J., Dwyer, J.F., 2007. Understanding the Benefits and Costs of Urban Forest Ecosystems, in: Kuser, J.E. (Ed.), Handbook of Urban and Community Forestry in the Northeast. Springer US, Boston, MA, pp. 25-46.
  40. Slater, D., 2018. Natural bracing in trees: management recommendations. Arboricultural Journal 40, 106-133.
  41. Duinker, P.N., Lehvävirta, S., Nielsen, A.B., Toni, S.A., 2017. Urban woodlands and their management, in: Ferrini, F., Konijnendijk van den Bosch, C.C., Fini, A. (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Urban Forestry. Taylor & Francis Group, Milton, pp. 515-528.
  42. Simonsson, P., Gustafsson, L., Östlund, L., 2015. Retention forestry in Sweden: driving forces, debate and implementation 1968–2003. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 30, 154-173.
  43. Buckley, P., Mills, J., 2015. Coppice Silviculture: From the Mesolithic to the 21st Century. in Kirby, K., Watkins (Eds.), Europe’s Changing Woods and Forests: From Wildwood to Managed Landscapes. CABI. Pp. 77-92.
  44. Hartel, T., Plieninger, T., Varga, A., 2015. Wood-pastures in Europe. in Kirby, K., Watkins (Eds.), Europe’s Changing Woods and Forests: From Wildwood to Managed Landscapes. CABI. Pp. 61-75.
  45. Kelty, M.J., 2006. The role of species mixtures in plantation forestry. Forest Ecology and Management 233, 195-204.
  46. Östberg, J., Sandberg, K., Wiström, B., 2021. Rating of parameters used to assess tree vitality by urban foresters and ecologists in Sweden, using the Delphi method. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 62, 127134.
  47. Kowarik, I., 2005. Wild Urban Woodlands: Towards a Conceptual Framework, in: Kowarik, I., Körner, S. (Eds.), Wild Urban Woodlands: New Perspectives for Urban Forestry. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 1-32.
  48. Bell, S., Blom, D., Rautamäki, M., Castel-Branco, C., Simson, A., Olsen, I.A., 2005. Design of Urban Forests, in: Konijnendijk, C., Nilsson, K., Randrup, T., Schipperijn, J. (Eds.), Urban Forests and Trees: A Reference Book. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 149-186.
  49. Körner, S., 2005. Nature Conservation, Forestry, Landscape Architecture and Historic Preservation: Perspectives for a Conceptual Alliance, in: Kowarik, I., Körner, S. (Eds.), Wild Urban Woodlands: New Perspectives for Urban Forestry. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 193-220.


Kursen ges som en fristående kurs: Ja Kursen ges som en programkurs: Landscape Architecture- Master's Programme Landskapsarkitektprogrammet, Alnarp Euroforester - masterprogram Jägmästarprogrammet Kursavgift: Studieavgift, endast för medborgare utanför EU, EES, och Schweiz: 38060 SEK Nivå: Avancerad nivå (A1N)
Ämne: Skogsvetenskap Landskapsarkitektur Landskapsarkitektur Skogsvetenskap
Kurskod: LK0378 Anmälningskod: SLU-20059 Plats: Alnarp Distanskurs: Nej Undervisningsspråk: Engelska Ansvarig institution: Institutionen för landskapsarkitektur, planering och förvaltning Studietakt: 100%