Ny sökning

Etik och vetenskapsfilosofi

• Truth and knowledge, data and information

• Core concepts and ideas in philosophy of science: Hypothesis testing, explanation and understanding, causation and correlation, positivism and beyond: falsificationism, hypothetico-deductive method; social constructionism, postmodernism, empiricism vs rationalism and holistic vs atomistic perspectives, reflexivity.

• Science and society: The consequences of research, the function of scientific results in policy, and the role of disciplinary perspective in societal discourse and policy making

• Professionalism, professional ethics and its theoretical underpinnings, professional relations

• Scientific misconduct – fabrication/falsification, plagiarism, publication ethics

• Professionalism, professional ethics and its theoretical underpinnings

• Scientific misconduct – fabrication/falsification, plagiarism, publication ethics e t c

• Research involving humans subjects – potential harm, informed consent, confidentiality etc.

• Research involving animals – ethical and legal aspects, relation to research ethics

• Relevant SLU policies and other guidelines

Kursplan och övrig information


Ämne: Other Social Science
Kurskod: POG0075 Sista anmälningsdag: Plats: Uppsala Distanskurs: Nej Undervisningsspråk: Engelska Studietakt: 60%