Ny sökning

Vetenskapligt skrivande och textmedvetenhet

Would you like to develop your skills as an academic writer? Writing is the most important tool for communicating science, both within and outside academia. In this online course, participants will have the opportunity to discuss their own writing process and text tradition, as well as find strategies and tools to improve their writing.

The course will be made up of lectures and workshops, self-studies and assignments. Assignments will focus on developing the participants as writers within their own writing tradition and increase self-awareness. The course also focuses on academic English (for example language correctness and efficient writing). In addition, the course will include feedback on the participants’ writing.

Kursplan och övrig information


Ämne: Other Social Science
Kurskod: POG0093 Sista anmälningsdag: Plats: Ortsoberoende Distanskurs: Ja Undervisningsspråk: Engelska Ansvarig institution: Biblioteket gemensamt Studietakt: 20%