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Andersson, P., Borg, H. & Kärrhage, P. (1995) Mercury in fish muscle in acidified and limed lakes. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 80(1-4):889-892.

Andersson, P., Borg, H. & Kärrhage, P. (1994) Vad händer med kvicksilver i fisk vid kalkning? Mätbladet, 17.

Andersson, P. & Holm, K. (1995) Cadmium in water and perch (Perca fluviatilis) liver in limed L. Stensjön in Tyresta national park. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 85:805-810.

Andren, C. M. & Rydin, E. (2012) Toxicity of inorganic aluminium at spring snowmelt-In-stream bioassays with brown trout (Salmo trutta L.). Science of the Total Environment, 437:422-432.

Andrén, C. (2001) Oorganiskt aluminium - möjlig stödparameter i kalkningsverksamheten. VANN, 36:458-463.

Andrén, C. (1995) Aluminium speciation; effects of sample storage. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 85:811-816.

Andrén, C., Andersson, P. & Fröberg, E. (2001) Temporal variations of aluminium fractions in streams in the Delsbo area, central Sweden. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 130(1-4):1715-1720.

Andrén, C. & Fröberg, E. (1996) Jämförelse av nya och gamla standarden för spektrofotometrisk aluminiumbestämning. Mätbladet, 20:4-5.

Andrén, C. & Jarlman, A. (2008) Benthic diatoms as indicators of acidity in streams. Fundamental and Applied Limnology, 173(3):237-253.

Andrén, C. M., Kroglund, F. & Teien, H. C. (2006) Controlled exposure of brown trout to humic water limed to different pH and inorganic aluminium concentrations. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol., 29(3):1548-1552.

Andrén, M. C. & Rydin, E. (2009) Which aluminium fractionation method will give true inorganic monomeric Al results in fresh waters (not including colloidal Al)? Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 11:1639–1646.

Angeler, D.G., C.R. Allen, A. Garmestani, L. Gunderson, R.K. Johnson. (2021) Panarchy and management of lake ecosystems, Ecol. Soc., 26 (4) (2021), p. 7, 10.5751/ES-12690-260407

Angeler, D. G. & Goedkoop, W. (2010) Biological responses to liming in boreal lakes: an assessment using plankton, macroinvertebrate and fish communities. Journal of Applied Ecology, 47(2):478-486.

Angeler, D.G., Hur, R. (2023) Panarchy suggests why management mitigates rather than restores ecosystems from anthropogenic impact. Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 327, 2023, 116875, 

Appelberg, M. (1998) Restructuring of fish assemblages following amelioration of acid stress through liming. Restoration Ecology, 6:343-352.

Appelberg, M., Berger, H. M., Hesthagen, T., Kleiven, E., Kurkilahti, M., Raitaniemi, J. & Rask, M. (1995) Development and intercalibration of methods in Nordic freshwater fish monitoring. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 85:401-406.

Appelberg, M., Bergquist, B. C. & Degerman, E. (1999) Using fish to assess environmental disturbance of Swedish lakes and streams – a preliminary approach. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol., 27:311-315.

Appelberg, M. & Degerman, E. (1991) Development and stability of fish assemblages after lime treatment. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 48(5):546-554.

Appelberg, M., Degerman, E. & Norrgren, L. (1992) Effects of acidification and liming on fish in Sweden - a review. Finnish Fisheries Research, 13:77-91.

Appelberg, M., Henrikson, B. I., Henrikson, L. & Svedäng, M. (1993) Biotic interactions within the littoral community of Swedish forest lakes during acidification. Ambio, 22(5):290-297.

Appelberg, M., Kleiven, E., Berger, H. M., Bergstrand, E., Nyberg, K., Saksgård, R., Svensson, R. M. & Ångström, C. (1998) Precision and accuracy in ageing Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) and roach (Rutilus rutilus L.): Differences between structures and between readers. Fisheries (Submitted).

Appelberg, M., Lingdell, P.-E. & Andrén, C. (1995) Integrated studies of the effects of liming acidified waters (Iselaw-Programme). Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 85:883-888.

Appelberg, M. & Svenson, T. (2001) Long-Term Ecological Effects of Liming - The ISELAW Programme. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 130:1745-1750.

Beier, U. (2001) Habitat distribution and size structure in freshwater fish communities: effects of vendace on interactions between perch and roach. Journal of Fish Biology, 59:1437-1454.

Bergquist, B. C. (1991) Extinction and natural recolonization of fish in acidified and limed lakes. Nordic Journal of Freshwater Research, 66:50-62.

Borg, H., Andersson, P., Nyberg, P. & Olofsson, E. (1995) Influence of wetland liming on water chemistry of acidified mountain streams in Lofsdalen, central Sweden. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 85:907-912.

Borg, H., Ek, K. & Holm, K. (2001) Influence of Acidification and Liming on the Distribution of Trace Elements in Surface Waters. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 130:1757-1762.

Borg, H. & Wilander, A. (2005) Water chemistry of Swedish forest lakes – influence of lime treatment and acidification. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol., 29:738-741.

Borg, H. & Sundbom, M. (2014) Long-term trends of water chemistry in mountain streams in Sweden – slow recovery from acidification. Biogeosciences, 11:173-184.

Cory, N., Andrén, C. M. & Bishop, K. (2007) Modelling inorganic aluminium with WHAM in environmental monitoring. Applied Geochemistry, 22(6):1196-1201.

Dahlberg, M. (2001) Bedömningdgrunder för fisk – ett system för att bedöma miljöpåverkan med hjälp av fisk. VANN, 36:401-407.

De Leeuw, J. J., Nagelkerke, L. A. J., van Densen, W. L. T., Holmgren, K., Jansen, P. A. & Vijverberg, J. (2003) Biomass size distributions as a tool for characterizing lake fish communities. Journal of Fish Biology, 63:1454-1475.

Degerman, E. & Appelberg, M. (1992) The response of stream-dwelling fish to liming. Environmental Pollution, 78:149-155.

Degerman, E., Appelberg, M. & Nyberg, P. (1992) Effects of liming on the occurrence and abundance of fish populations in acidified Swedish lakes. Hydrobiologia, 230:201-212.

Edberg, F., Andersson, P., Borg, H., Ekström, C. & Hörnström, E. (2001) Reacidification effects on water chemistry and plankton in a limed lake in Sweden. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 130(1-4):1763-1768.

Edberg, F., Borg, H. & Åslund, J. E. (2001) Episodic events in water chemistry and metals in streams in northern Sweden during spring flood. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 130(1-4):1697-1702.

Ekström, C. & Hörnström, E. (1995) Development of zooplankton in relation to lime treatment in two acidified lakes. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 85:925-930.

Enderlein, O. & Appelberg, M. (1992) A comparison of pelagic gill-net, trawl and hydroacoustic data from two oligotrophic coregonid lakes. Polish Archives of Hydrobiology, 39(3-4).

Eriksson, H., Edberg, F. & Borg, H. (2003) Effects of forest fire and fire-fighting operations on water chemistry in Tyresta National Park, Stockholm, Sweden. Journal De Physique IV, 107:427-430.

Fölster, J., Andrén, C., Bishop, K., Buffam, I., Cory, N., Goedkoop, W., Holmgren, K., Johnson, R., Laudon, H. & Wilander, A. (2007) A Novel Environmental Quality Criterion for Acidification in Swedish Lakes – An Application of Studies on the Relationship Between Biota and Water Chemistry. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution: Focus, 7(1):331-338.

Guhrén, M., Bigler, C. & Renberg, I. (2007) Liming placed in along-term perspective: a paleolimnological study of 12 lakes in the Swedish liming program. Journal of Paleolimnology, 37:247-258.

Holmgren, K. (2003) Omitted spawning in compensatory-growing perch. Journal of Fish Biology, 62:918-927.

Holmgren, K. (2001) Variation i rekrytering av abborre och mört i kalkade, sura och neutrala sjöar sedan 1980-talet. VANN, 36:433-440.

Holmgren, K. (2001) Biomass-Size Distribution of the Acuatic Community in Limed, Circumneutral and Acidified Reference Lakes. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 130:1751-1756.

Holmgren, K. (1999) Between-year variation in community structure and biomass-size distributions of benthic lake fish communities. Journal of Fish Biology, 55:535-552.

Holmgren, K. & Appelberg, M. (2001) Effects of environmental factors on size-related growth efficieny of perch, Perca fluviatilis. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 10:247-256.

Holmgren, K. & Appelberg, M. (2000) Size structure of benthic freshwater fish communities in relation to environmental gradients. Journal of Fish Biology, 57:1312-1330.

Holmgren, K. & Buffam, I. (2005) Critical values of different acidity indices – as evaluated by fish communities of Swedish lakes. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol., 29:654-660.

Holmgren, K. 2014. Challenges in assessing biological recovery from acidification in Swedish lakes. Ambio 43: 19-29. 

Holmgren, K., E. Degerman, E. Petersson & B. Bergquist. 2016. Long term trends of fish after liming of Swedish streams and lakes. Atmospheric Environment 146: 245-251,

Humborg, C., Mörth, C.-M., Sundbom, M., Borg, H., Blenckner, T., Giesler, R. & Ittekkot, V. (2010) CO2 supersaturation along the aquatic conduit in Swedish watersheds as constrained by terrestrial respiration, aquatic respiration and weathering. Global Change Biology, 16(7):1966-1978.

Hörnström, E., Harbom, A. C., Edberg, F. & Andrén, C. (1995) The influence of pH and humus on aluminium toxicity to the phytoplankton species Monoraphidium dybowskii and M. griffithi. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 85:817-822.

Jeppesen, E., Mehner, T., Winfield, I. J., Kangur, K., Sarvala, J., Gerdeaux, D., Rask, M., Malmquist, H. J., Holmgren, K., Volta, P., Romo, S., Eckmann, R., Sandström, A., Blanco, S., Kangur, A., Stabo, H. R., Tarvainen, M., Ventela, A. M., Søndergaard, M., Lauridsen, T. L. & Meerhoff, M. (2012) Impacts of climate warming on the long-term dynamics of key fish species in 24 European lakes. Hydrobiologia, 694(1):1-39.

Jeppesen, E., Meerhoff, M., Holmgren, K., Gonzalez-Bergonzoni, I., Teixeira-de Mello, F., Declerck, S. A. J., De Meester, L., Søndergaard, M., Lauridsen, T. L., Bjerring, R., Conde-Porcuna, J. M., Mazzeo, N., Iglesias, C., Reizenstein, M., Malmquist, H. J., Liu, Z. W., Balayla, D. & Lazzaro, X. (2010) Impacts of climate warming on lake fish community structure and potential effects on ecosystem function. Hydrobiologia, 646(1):73-90.

Kahlert, M. & Andrén, C. M. (2005) Benthic diatoms as valuable indicators of acidity. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol., 29:635-639.

Kurkilahti, M., Appelberg, M., Hesthagen, T. & Rask, M. (2002) Effect of fish shape on gillnet selectivity; a study with Fulton's condition factor. Fisheries Research, 54:153-170.

Kurkilahti, M., Appelberg, M., Hesthagen, T. & Rask, M. (1999) Selectivity and efficiency of Nordic multimesh gillnet for some fresh water fish species. Manuscript in Nordic multimesh gillnet: robust gear for sampling fish populations, Academic Dissertation by Mika Kurkilathi, University of Turku, Finland. (ISBN 951-776-241-0).

Lau, D. C. P., Vrede T. & Goedkoop, W. (2017) Lake responses to long-term disturbances and management practices. Freshwater Biology 62: 791-806.

Mehner, T., Holmgren, K., Lauridsen, T. L., Jeppesen, E. & Diekmann, M. (2007) Lake depth and geographical position modify lake fish assemblages of the European 'Central Plains' ecoregion. Freshwater Biology, 52(11):2285-2297.

Norberg, M., Bigler, C. & Renberg, I. (2008) Monitoring compared with paleolimnology: implications for the definition of reference condition in limed lakes in Sweden. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 146(1):295-308.

Nyberg, P., Andersson, P., Degerman, E., Borg, H. & Olofsson, E. (1995) Labile inorganic manganese - an overlooked reason for fish mortality in acidified streams? Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 85:333-340.

Näslund J, Andersson M, Bergek S, Degerman E, Donadi S, Duberg J, Holmgren K, Kinnerbäck A, Sers B, Staveley TAB, Strömberg H and Myrstener E. 2023. Considerations needed for analysing data from the Swedish Electrofishing RegiSter (SERS), with special reference to the RivFishTIME database of long-term riverine fish surveys. Fauna norvegica 42: 47–51. 

Persson, G. (2008) Zooplankton response to long-term liming: Comparison of 15 limed and 15 reference lakes in Sweden. Limnologica, 38(1):1-13.

Persson, G. (2001) Djurplankton efter kalkning av 14 sjöar inom IKEU-projektet. VANN, 36:464-470.

Persson, G. & Appelberg, M. (2001) Evidence of lower productivity in long term limed lakes as compared to unlimed lakes of similar pH. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 130:1769-1774.

Raitaniemi, J. E., Bergstrand, L., Flöystad, R., Hokki, E., Kleiven, M., Rask, M., Reizenstein, M., Saksgård, R. & Ångström, C. (1998) The reliability of whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus (L.)) age determination – differences between methods and between readers. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 7:25-35.

 Sjostedt, C., Persson, I., Hesterberg, D., Kleja, D. B., Borg, H. & Gustafsson, J. P. (2013) Iron speciation in soft-water lakes and soils as determined by EXAFS spectroscopy and geochemical modelling. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 105:172-186.

Sjöstedt, C., Wällstedt, T., Gustafsson, J. P. & Borg, H. (2009) Speciation of aluminium, arsenic and molybdenum in excessively limed lakes. Science of the Total Environment, 407(18):5119-5127.

Sjöstedt, C. S., Gustafsson, J. P. & Köhler, S. J. (2010) Chemical Equilibrium Modeling of Organic Acids, pH, Aluminum, and Iron in Swedish Surface Waters. Environmental Science & Technology, 44(22):8587-8593.

Skjelkvåle, B. L., Borg, H., Hindar, A. & Wilander, A. (2007) Large scale patterns of chemical recovery in lakes in Norway and Sweden: Importance of seasalt episodes and changes in dissolved organic carbon. Applied Geochemistry, 22(6):1174-1180.

Svanbäck, R., Eklöv, P., Fransson, R. & Holmgren, K. (2008) Intraspecific competition drives multiple species resource polymorphism in fish communities. Oikos, 117:114-124.

Teien, H. C., Andrén, C. M., Kroglund, F. & Salbu, B. (2005) Changes in gill reactivity of aluminium species following liming of an acid and aluminium-rich humic water. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol., 29(2):837-840.

 Tolonen, K. T., Brodersen, K. P., Kleisborg, T. A., Holmgren, K., Dahlberg, M., Hamerlik, L. & Hämäläinen, H. (2012) Phantom midge-based models for inferring past fish abundances. Journal of Paleolimnology, 47(4):531-547.

Wilander, A. (2006) Predictions of natural chemical conditions: examples for limed lakes. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol., 29:1516-1518.

Wilander, A. (2001) Surstötar i kalkade sjöar. VANN, 36:471-476.

Willén, E. (2006) Planktonic algae in limed lakes compared to circumneutral references. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol., 29:2232-2236.

Winfield, I. J., Rösch, R., Appelberg, M., Kinnerbäck, A. & Rask, M. (1997) Recent introductions of the ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernuus) to Coregonus and Perca lakes in Europe and an analysis of their distributions in Sweden and Finland. Journal of the Great Lakes Research, 24(2):235-248.

Wällstedt, T. (2011) Lime Residues and Metal Sequestration in Sediments of Excessively Limed Lakes. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 219:535-546.

Wällstedt, T. & Borg, H. (2005) Metal burdens in surface sediments of limed and nonlimed lakes. Science of the Total Environment, 336:135-154.

Wällstedt, T. & Borg, H. (2003) Effects of experimental acidification om mobilization of metals from sediments of limed and non-limed lakes. Environmental Pollution, 126:381-391.

Wällstedt, T., Borg, H., Meili, M. & Mörth, C.-M. (2008) Influence of liming on metal sequestration in lake sediments over recent decades. Science of the Total Environment, 407(1):405-417.

Wällstedt, T., Edberg, F. & Borg, H. (2009) Long-term water chemical trends in two Swedish lakes after termination of liming. Science of the Total Environment, 407(11):3554-3562.

Åkerblom S, Bignert A, Meili M, Sonesten L & Sundbom M. (2014) Half a century of changing mercury levels in Swedish freshwater fish. Ambio 43:91-103