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SLU Aquaculture

is a platform to promote and coordinate aquaculture research and education. Aquaculture-related research is taking place at all four faculties at SLU. Our mission is to consolidate and develop aquaculture research and education at SLU.

SLU Aquaculture news

Funding for fisheries and aquaculture in 2021‑2027

Open now! Apply for funds from The Swedish Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture programme. Here you can read about the program and grants (in Swedish).

Sea food on a plate. Photo.

Fish farming of the North – a food production with a green potential

A popular science summary of the state of knowledge and what remains to be researched, to ensure an eco- and socio-system-based management plan for our Nordic hydropower dams. Written by a multidisciplinary group of researchers at SLU and Umeå University.

Fish farming in Norrland, Sweden. Photo.

Course in fish health and welfare

In November 2023, the course "Fish health, preventive health care and fish welfare" was conducted. Here you can access all materials and recorded lectures (in Swedish).

A shoal of salmon swimming just below the surface. Photo.

Pod episode on aquaculture

Aquaculture has great potential to provide us with food for the future, but is also surrounded by many challenges. This episode of the SLU Future Food podcast Feeding your mind is about the opportunities and challenges of aquaculture.

Fresh chilled trout fish and trout fillet at seafood supermarket stall, photo.

Researchers in aquaculture at SLU

Are you interested in aquaculture and want to get in touch with our researchers connected to the platform?

SLU professor Anders Kiessling stands with a net next to a fish tank. Photo.

Aquaculture research infrastructure

Here you will find a list of research infrastructure at SLU, also available for researchers at other universities or companies. Do you find something that suits your research?

Fish lab in VHC at SLU Ultuna. Photo.

Environmental impact and benefits of aquaculture

Watch all the lectures from the course here (in Swedish).

Gullmarn – above and below the surface. Photo.

Green light for the Swedish farmed rainbow trout

Read the press release from WWF announcing this year's Fish Guide - which ones got the red, yellow and green light? (in Swedish).

An illustration showing a rainbow. Photo.

Global aquaculture activities at SLU

SLU-researchers collaborate with researchers based across the world, including in low- and middle-income countries. Here we have collected a selection of research projects, publications and other activities.

Ponds with fish farming in Tanzania. Photo.

Film and media spots

Here we gather seminars, lectures, media spots with our SLU-researchers in aquaculture.

Published: 24 May 2024 - Page editor: aquaculture@slu.se