Conference facilities

Last changed: 20 May 2024

Book a room for a conference at the Swedish Livestock Research Centre at SLU. The conference rooms are situated at the upper floor in the same building as the dairy cattle unit.

Conference rooms

There are two lecture rooms with 60 and 48 seats respectively which can be linked together to one big room and a board room with 16 seats. Whiteboards and AV-equipment is available in all the rooms. Adjacent to the conference rooms is a kitchen unit.

Observation room

On the same floor as the conference rooms is an observation room with a view over the dairy cattle unit. There are also posters with information about the different units of the research centre.

Booking information and prices

Contact our Research and Education Coordinators for information or send an e-mail to

Research and Education Coordinators 
Lotta Jönsson, +4618673217 or Johanna Grundin, +4618671698.

Employees of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science can make reservations in  the booking calenders.


There are no lunch facilities for the conferences, but you can order catering for delivery to the conference kitchen.


From Uppsala

To find your way to Swedish Livestock Research Centre, follow route 282 towards Almunge from the roundabout at Tycho Hedéns väg for approximately 4 km, then take a right hand turn following the road sign  'Forskningscentrum för lantbrukets djur 3'. Continue to roads end, from where you turn off the route 282, it is approximately 3 km to the research centre.

From E4

From the exit from E4 it's approximately 2 km on route 282 towards Almunge. Then take a right hand turn following the road sign  'Forskningscentrum för lantbrukets djur 3'. Continue to roads end, from where you turn off the 282, it is approximately 3 km to the research centre.

The big red dairy cattle unit is situated at the right within the area and the yellow pig unit at the left. To get to the poultry unit, take a left before you pass the big biogas tank on your left hand side (before the pig unit). The conference unit is on top of the dairy cattle unit, entrance from the middle of the building.


There is no direct bus connection all the way to the Swedish Livestock Research Centre at Lövsta. From the Central station in Uppsala you can take bus number 809 and get off at the Vedyxa stop. From there you must walk about 3 km along the road that starts at the sign post 'Forskningscentrum för lantbrukets djur 3'. You can read about the bus connections using UL travel planner.

Student Bus between Campus Ultuna and the Swedish Livestock Research Centre every weekday

Departure 7:30 and 12:30 from Almas Allé 4c, Campus Ultuna 

Departure 12:00 and 16:45 from Swedish Livestock Research Centre


You can go by bike to Lövsta. See bicycle map

Visiting rules

 Visitors must follow the instructions and laws governing the protection against infection when visiting the Research Centre at Lövsta.

Visiting rules and infectious disease control rules viewing room

·         Visits need to be booked in advance with the staff at the Swedish Livestock research centre.

·         Visits are done in company with, or after instructions from, staff at the Swedish Livestock research centre.

·         Quarantine rules, for visitors arriving from a foreign country or visitors that have been in contact with livestock who is confirmed with a contagious disease.  

1.      Visits outside of Sweden regardless country, no contact with livestock.  
No quarantine period: no special routines before entrance


2.      Visits to livestock facilities in countries within EU or USA, Canada, Australia and NZ which is not blocked due to infectious disease regarding to EU or SJV.
No quarantine period: put on blue shoe covers before entrance first 48h, from day 3 no special routines before entry.    


3.      Contact with livestock in countries where epizootic diseases (regarding to Swedish epizootic law (1999:657, SFS 2021:167)) is present ex. Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa and South- and Central America. 
Quarantine period: Absolute restraining order for 48h, from day 3 blue shoe covers before entrance, after 5 days no special routines.


4.      Been working/close contact with livestock/animals in countries where epizootic diseases is present or in livestock herds blocked by Swedish board of Agriculture (SJV).
Quarantine period – Absolute restraining order to the area and facilities for 5 days. Besöksregler visningsvåning. 2024-05-20

Contact and booking

Contact us for information or send an e-mail to

Research and Education Coordinators  Lotta Jönsson, +4618673217, Johanna Grundin, +4618671698 or Linnea Eberson, +4618672948

Head of the Swedish Livestock Research Centre, +4618-671905.

Employees of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science (VH) can make reservations in the booking calenders.