Baltic ForBio, WP2's outputs

Last changed: 25 November 2021

Here, you will find a list of outputs produced by Baltic ForBio, WP2.

Project LogoMedia products


  • Accelerating production of forest bioenergy in the Baltic Sea Region. WP2 work started with the analysis of current situations in partner countries in terms of forest bioenergy role and what kind of sector specific research has been conducted. This work formed the basis for the next group of activities under WP2. G.A.2.1 was led by Swedish Forest Agency (Skogsstyrelsen).
  • Baltic ForBio has produced an overview background report with 35 pages on the current forest & forest bioenergy training and education in the partner countries. The overview looks logically what kind of institutions in the countries are organizing relevant training from the basic level studies to the academic level. These training organizations and institutions are good contacts for project training package information dissemination. The main content of the project specific training package has been described in English. For more information, feel free to contact Elvira Grasmane ( from the Latvian Rural Advisory and Training Centre (PP6). 

Training programs

  • The Latvian Rural Advisory and Training Centre was the responsible designer of the G.A.2.3 Training programs. The structure of the training program has been described in this presentation on the content of G.A.2.3.
  • Training programme on “Energy wood harvest in the forest management process, together with instructions on how the material can be learnt independently. This training program is intended for private forest owners, societies and associations, forestry companies or enterprises, as wells as those employed in the forest sector.

Demonstration sites

Baltic ForBio (WP2, G.A.2.A) has developed 30 demonstration sites.  The harvest operations were conducted taking into account current weather conditions and demand for forest energy. Detailed descriptions about the local forest and terrain conditions as well as technology can be found in the following documents ---which communicate in a nutshell the situation before and after harvest operations if completed by the end of the project lifecycle.



This presentation provides information on how this Handbook has been prepared and tips to readers. It also provides a description of Baltic For Bio so that readers can place the contribution of this Handbook within the larger scope of the project.